JUDE, an original play by Elena Maria Garcia featuring original music by Lucas Dotyier, delves into the poignant journey of four immigrants Syria, Haiti, Honduras, and Cuba, who grapple with everyday injustices and the harsh realities imposed by their corrupt governments. Inspired by true stories. The unwavering determination of Sarima, Mirlande, Esperanza, and Nicolas to carve out a better life is not only inspiring but also brimming with hope. Through a captivating blend of music, design, and immersive projections, the audience becomes an integral part of their journey, sharing in their conflicts and triumphs.
Tickets are FREE, but donations of $10 are greatly appreciated! All proceeds go to enriching the educational experience of our hardworking Theater Majors.
This the closing event of the Institute for Immigration Studies, International Immigration Conference
For Inquiries, call 305-899-3420 or email jirizarry@barry.edu